Sunday, October 31, 2010

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science education in schools: some keys to generate changes

A national survey, answered by 816 researchers from Argentina, and released by the journal Public Understanding of Science reveals that teachers and reading books are the key drivers in defining the scientific vocation. Given the significant experience that has the school (primary and secondary) to encourage scientific careers of student-key pillar of a country that aspires to become a "knowledge-based society" - the Agency consulted CyTA researchers, teachers and students to ascertain their views on the current state of science education in these stages of education and its challenges approach.
The full article,

here. It

Breasts Sore Like They Burn

How scary!

We've all been afraid ever, but everyone feels differently. To the same situation, some people are easily frightened and run off, and those who need high doses of "terror" to leave in fear. Although it is logical that, depending on the situation, not experienced in the same way: not the same tremble because a murderer is chasing you (really fear for your life) to leave "fired" before the image of a ghost. However, in similar situations, some people enjoy and others who live shake ... Why?

Well, like everything else in life, fear has its scientific explanation.
From a biological perspective the Fear is a survival mechanism and defense that arises to allow the individual to respond to dangerous situations (or just difficult, as a test or an interview), quickly and efficiently. In fact, thanks to the emotion the human race has managed to survive as a species.

The mechanism responsible for regulating the feeling of fear in the brain, particularly in the limbic system . This regulates the emotions of conservation of the species (as mentioned above, fear is part of that complex of emotions, because without it, for example, we would have crushed to death by dinosaurs), reviewing the information from the senses through amygdala, which is responsible to control fear by antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin ).

What happens is that when the amygdala feel that the organism is in danger, sends that information to the nervous system (the interaction between these two systems occurs very quickly) and hence, the entire organism so that almost immediately, there are physiological changes: increased blood pressure and blood glucose, the immune system (defense) stops, the blood flows into the large muscles, the heart pumps blood fast, dilated, enlarged eyes (to see better), hair encrispado (goosebumps), stomach throbbing ... so it is very easy to recognize a person who has fear (it feels in the face.) In addition to the physiological changes, reflexes monitoring, freezing and escape / flight are much more developed.
This is what normally happens (and all in milliseconds), the problem is when this becomes disease and panic attacks arise .

Limbic System

was investigated on the removal of the amygdala. In animals is much easier and it does seem to eliminate the feeling of fear, but in humans is more difficult because of the fear mechanism interacts with the cerebral cortex and other parts of the limbic system, so their removal would cause serious damage the body. In addition, at most, what would happen without the amygdala would be a personality change to calm.

Fear of physical harm caused the same reaction to the fear of psychic pain.

Happy Night of Souls!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Doorless Walk In Shower


Given the increasingly abundant proliferation of conferences, courses, seminars and all kinds of activities that different currents pseudoscientific being developed within the framework of English and Latin American universities, a trend that crystallized in the recent creation of a Homeopathy Research Chair at the University of Zaragoza, the undersigned (scientists, teachers, students and citizens in general) we are in the need to state the following:

The collaboration between the University and the Company, as well as with other agencies and social partners is rewarding, productive and should be considered as one of the priorities of the university policy. The agreements and contracts for the transfer of research results to private enterprise can pose significant source of funding for public universities, which, properly developed, allowing greater productivity and optimizing scientific applications such activity. However, we believe it is justifiable that the University find ways of financing at any price, let alone if this perverted philosophy and fundamental purposes.

Public University, like any other government agency must be to serve the public, maintaining constant contact with the society of which it forms part, through constant communication that allows the line between academic and social needs . To meet these objectives, the University must be a champion in terms of innovation and exploring new avenues for knowledge. The University should never be a statue, but a constant motion animation.

can not understand the research mission and social commitment of the University without the overlap with his role in the formation of free citizens, able to face the world with a critical mind that they can escape from the chains of irrationality, superstition and ignorance. This teaching function, completely integral to the university, goes beyond the classroom, to represent the University as a reference to knowledge and rationality to the whole society.

In this sense, the University plays an important role to the progress in contemporary society are taking certain currents unscientific and anti-rational, which can be a significant retreat to obscurantism and superstition, which is located at the opposite pole of the university's objectives. We are concerned, as academics and as citizens, to well into the twenty-first century increasingly proliferate more therapies closer to magic than medicine, often covered by public medical institutions and companies, we are concerned that heads of government consult astrologers, that bracelets officially declared fraudulent magic are carried by health ministers and are the best selling gift last Christmas, that more and more citizens who firmly believe that vaccines are toxic and harmful to health, to increase the number of patients who leave embrace alternative medical treatment for esoteric, we worry very seriously that much of the population back to rely more on traditional healers in scientific medicine.

We are concerned that the University can become a market that accommodate any irrational alternative to scientific knowledge. Just a misunderstood open-mindedness can justify teach Alchemy in the Faculty of Chemistry, Physics ufology in the flood or in History. Offer to the pseudo-university forum on an equal footing with the rational knowledge does not translate into any cultural enrichment, but a university validation of superstition and quackery. We can hardly educate our children about the lack of empirical bases astrological prediction if you will find on-campus graduate courses in astrology. Reza

a top science that reason should not accept something as true just because many people say so or because important people sign it, and it is always necessary to stop and question any statement on whether or not true. This forces act much more slowly, carefully weighing the options, to proceed carefully with any type of proposal. And this is one of the things that we strongly believe should be taught in universities.

Therefore, we are concerned that the University of room for acupuncture courses, lectures on creationism, astrology and seminars on chairs in homeopathy. We are particularly concerned, if not addressed as a critical debate and rational analysis, but with a budget of functionality and scientific validation of not only lack, but are in front critical opposition to the university.

In the case of homeopathy, but apply equally to the rest of pseudoscience, has not been proven scientifically and its rationale (which contradicts our knowledge of elementary chemistry and medicine), or its effectiveness beyond a placebo . Decades ago, extensive studies were used to search for a possible based on homeopathic principles, which have not changed significantly in two hundred years, base ever found. We

is extremely ironic that while European governments withdraw funds and state support to practice homeopathic Chairs are in place in Spain in public universities. The guarantee that this implies, places homeopathy, astrology and spiritualism under the category of academic disciplines, especially when we are not solely to a research activity on an ambiguous event, but to an institutionalization aimed at training and dissemination of these principles.

believe finally, that while further justified and funds to any factor that could be investigated, the special economic situation makes the investment of effort and resources in such a thoroughly discredited disciplines act of pure waste of resources that could be used in areas of research and teaching far more priority.

People from different strata and groups of society endorse this manifesto we wish to draw attention to this important aspect of the whole population and especially to academic and governmental authorities, hoping that the reason I imposed on superstition and obscurantism.


Friday, October 29, 2010

Osmosis And Diffusion Lab Carolina

"" Living Planet "? Interesting Blogs

The full article,


New Dental Hygienist Cover Letter

Pseudoscience Alert is a blog that, as stated on its website, has three basic objectives: Demystifying the arguments based on pseudoscience, disseminate or disclose pseudenciancia word and generate a discussion; and finally expose pseudoscience damage caused in society.

Watermelon Project Outreach is a blog focused on Science and Critical Thinking. It is written in simple language by a non-scientific and public., but a blog is a virtual community. There are nucleated more than 50 scientists and extension workers, together we will make an excellent website that agreed science, humor and skepticism.

How To Split Clips In Wax

A coffee, please

Solo, milk, headdress, American, French, cappuccino ... But do you really know everything about this drink?

coffee plants are called coffee (tropical shrub that grows in damp areas to 600-1200 meters) and are native to Ethiopia .
Within this result there are many species of which only grow Arabica and Robusta. Of these two, Arabica is the least caffeine content is (Colombia coffees are 100% Arabica).

On the discovery of the world's most popular drink several legends circulating. The most accepted refers to Kaldi, a shepherd from Ethiopia (formerly Abyssinia), who observed a strange behavior in his goats, after eating some strange leaves, felt very excited and full of energy. Then the pastor took those off the abbot of a monastery for consideration. When he observed toasted those fruits that produced an exquisite aroma, realized that this revolutionary beverage tastes of hundreds of people.
However, as a stimulating drink, coffee did not become popular until the S XIII, probably because of the Islamic prohibition of alcohol.

can find more information about the origin of coffee

And why I happened to talk about coffee? Well, apart from being one of my vices, the other day I saw a news item newspaper 20 minutes trying on some results of a study by the University of Durham (England). Which reflected that people taking high daily doses of caffeine (coffee, tea or energy drinks or drinks) are more likely to have hallucinations, hearing voices and seeing things that do not exist.
What happens is that caffeine is a substance that gets more exaggerated to the psychological effects of stress: nervous system are most disturbed and causes a feeling on the subject of heightened alert. When stressed, your body activates Cortisol (stress hormone it is made before emergency to help cope with the problems) and when we Caffeine also releases the hormone.
However, be not afraid, the problem of hallucinations only happens to those who take more than seven cups of coffee a day (for this reason, it is advisable to take energy drinks because their content caffeine round this amount).

From this study have been several research results related to coffee and health. One of them said that caffeine reduces the risk of ovarian cancer, while another concludes that too much intake of this substance doubles the risk of spontaneous abortion.
But is it true that everything he says or there are many myths?

1. First, there has been speculation that coffee can cause hepatitis (an inflammatory disease of the liver). However, several authors have related it in reverse, saying that coffee may contain a protective component of the liver for hepatitis, especially that produced by alcohol.

2. In recent decades, it was thought that caffeine counteracted the effects of insulin. However, in 2002, Van Dam et al, found an inverse effect on type 2 diabetes, the conclusion that helps metabolize caffeine (spending) glucose in our bodies.

3. With regard to Parkinson, it was shown that the incidence of the disease decreases, while increasing amounts of caffeine consumed.

4. It is said that coffee drinkers are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease. Only dangerous if taken very high doses (more than 9 cups a day), but if you take the best (2 / 3) has a protective effect.

5. Not recommended for patients gastritis or peptic ulcer .
6. Nor is it beneficial for pregnant women, because the metabolism of caffeine is influenced by hormonal status of women (the changes Hormonal suffering are many and have different effects on the body) and in pregnant women the process is much slower.


and beneficial recommended dose is 300 mg of caffeine per day (2 / 3 cups of coffee, tea or other beverages).

is advisable not to take from four hours before bedtime.

The coffee is not fattening! No sugar or milk ratio Kcal between 2 and 5.

Contrary to popular belief, coffee is not addictive, just create a habit. Although it is true that their consumption is linked with the consumption of harmful activities like smoking and late nights.

The coffee has all the properties of coffee, clears the mind and, separately, provides calcium.

Decaffeinated coffee does have some caffeine, but very few (about ten cups of decaf would be equivalent to a normal).

A false myth is that coffee active sexual desire of women. As mentioned above, coffee is related to hormonal status of women, but this would occur only at special occasions and in females that are not very accustomed to it.

diuretics. Is an important source of fluid in any diet, does not lead to dehydration (hence not good for hangovers).

stimulates gastric acid secretion.

addition, the remains of coffee are very good fertilizer for gardens because of its high nitrogen content. In fact, in coffee shops tend to give away or sell (for a nominal fee) these remains.

And with that and a good cup of coffee ... Until next time!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Davids Bridal Sale 2010

advances in the study of chronic pain from waist

A study conducted by a research team comprising a doctor and allowed three physicists new details about the changes brain of patients suffering from chronic pain. The work will be published in the journal Neuroscience Letters
. One of the most common chronic pain is the waist-which is one of the main reasons for absenteeism, for which there is no completely effective therapy.
For a long time, it was assumed that chronic pain was a sharp acute pain, which led to treat both conditions as if they were the same.

But, while not yet know the exact biological mechanism by which acute pain becomes chronic in recent years, functional magnetic resonance imaging studies showed that patients with chronic pain have some brain disorders that are correlated with the intensity and duration of the disease. "You could say that chronic pain 'hurt' the brain," illustrates the MD Dante Chialvo, a researcher at CONICET at the University of Rosario who, along with three physicians, conducted a study that casts further light on the problem and be published in the journal Neuroscience Letters.

"In patients with chronic pain in the waist, located three sites in the brain that are altered connectivity for normal controls," says Enzo Tagliazucchi, Department of Physics Faculty of Natural Sciences (FCEyN) of the UBA. "There is a change in the communication between regions of the frontal cortex and insula, an area related to the perception of pain," he adds.

The full article,


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Argentinos identify key biological clock of insects and plants

Some plants flower in spring. Others, however, during late summer. Many orient their leaves to sunlight during the day and up into the night. Insects such as fruit flies, also have their turns, flying more during the day and at night are less active. To human eyes, plants and insects are very different but have much in common: they share a mechanism of control of their "occupations" which has now been discovered by 16 scientists. A finding with implications for both health and economic-which is published today in the British journal Nature.
The discovery was in charge of the Argentine Marcelo Yanovsky, Alberto Kornblihtt (part of the European Network Eurasnet), Fernanda Ceriani, Paloma Mas, Pablo Cerda, Michelle Godoy Herz, Juan Cuevas, Esteban Hernandez, Matias Rugnone, Sabrina Sanchez , Ezequiel Petrillo and Stephen Beckwith. With researchers from the U.S., Spain and England, managed to unravel the mechanism that operates in the biological clock in plants and insects.
The full article, here

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Invisible Homemade Plate Hangers

Nobel Prize in Physics 2010

The technological revolution is making strides, and to retain well this word, " graphene." It is not a simple concept, this sheet of carbon just one atom thick is the cause of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2010 the Royal Academy of Sweden Sciences awarded since 1901. On this occasion, the prize was awarded to two scientists from the University of Manchester, Andre Geim and Novoselov Konstantin by the discovery in 2004, and investigation of this two-dimensional material, which has extraordinary properties in the world of physics quantum (a branch of science that studies the behavior of matter when the dimensions are very small).

Andre Geim and Novoselov Konstantin / Nobel Foundation
Graphene has been known and described for more than half a century. Yet scientists have never been separate mode of graphite (material from the mines of the pencils), until Geim proposed to a PhD student (Novoselov) investigating the remains left in graphite tape (the method to study the graffiti is to have the polished surface as possible, to that end, stick the tape to the material and pull it).

From these studies, we found the graphene and its unique properties, among which are its thinness (is the world's thinnest material), high strength, transparency, flexibility, strength (one hundred times more than steel) high mobility of carriers and low noise. This makes it a good conductor of electricity (its action resembles that of copper) and heat (more than any other material). Moreover, being composed of carbon (organic element, very common on the planet) is much easier to find and less polluting. All these features lead to a wide variety of applications and electronic materials (Can be achieved, for example, computers or solar panels more efficient and less costly). This is one of the reasons why it has been proposed as the replacement for silicon (used in the manufacture of computer chips.) In fact, Samsung with the assistance of Sungkyunkwan University (South Korea), next year will bring the first graphene screens, shutters, tactile and invisible circuits.

Still, not all scientists share the enthusiasm for graphene. The Dutch physicist Walt de Heer says that "never replace silicon graphene. Nobody who knows the scene can say this seriously. Just do things that silicon can not do. It is like ships and aircraft. The planes will never replace the ships. "


Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded since 1901, except in 1916, 1931, 1934, 1940, 1941 and 1942 . To date, scientists have obtained 188.
In 2000, Geim was awarded IgNobel (parody of the Nobel prizes) and levitate a frog in a magnetic field.
Konstantin Novoselov, 36, is the youngest scientist to receive this prize (since 1973).
The prize of this award is around 1.1 million euros.
The chemical bonding and structure of graphene is described in the 1930 and the electronic band structure in 1949 (Wallace).
The word "graphene" was officially adopted in 1944 (formerly it was called "monolayer of graphite).
Graphene, diamond and graphite are three elements from carbon. What determines the properties of each material lies in the way their atoms are arranged. The diamond is three dimensional, but graphite and graphene are two dimensional. However, in graphene, atoms are flat (honeycomb) and graphite, no.
By having a flat structure, graphene becomes almost unbreakable, so it is investigating its use in bulletproof vests, solar cells (thermal conductor) and analysis (results of sensors), among others.

If you have any doubts, here are a article The Country, written by Elsa Prada (CSIC researcher) which explains very well the theme:

Also I leave the video of the news in Four :

Friday, October 22, 2010

Lower Abdominal Pain At 10 Weeks

gravitational field problems and waves

gravitational field problems and waves

Thursday, October 21, 2010

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The number of opioid-dependent increased by 0.4% per year

currently in substitution treatment more effective is the drug Suboxone

Research confirms that over 13 million people worldwide suffer from addiction to opioids today, with heroin, with 10 million users, the most powerful drug. According to information from European studies Adiction Research The number of people affected increases by 0.4% worldwide, resembling the findings to our country. The cause of this addition comes from the use of such substances to relieve extreme pain ( agonist), resulting in an exaggerated sense of well being. For this reason, many people "eat", ultimately considered a type of very dangerous drugs.
Because of increased heroin use and the impact thereof, particularly the spread of Hepatitis B, C and the emergence of HIV, Spain created the National Plan on Drugs 1985. One alternative taken to eliminate the use of this opioid was the use of maintenance programs methadone, Subutex (buprenorphine ) and the most effective, Suboxone (buprenorphine and naloxone), all opioids, but with minor effects those of heroin. This treatment allows those affected to use a substance similar to this drug, but with medical supervision, with fixed doses without the fear of ODS ( Opiate Withdrawal Syndrome ).
Pastor Francisco Pascual, MD, associate of INID (Addictions Research Institute of the University Miguel Hernández de Elche) states that "in this sense that methadone could enable people who were in a marginal situation regain a more or less stable. Besides, I did not share syringes or utensils that permit spread of infectious diseases, so that the number of HIV and hepatitis C, among others, was decreasing. "
However, many patients using this treatment eventually become addicted to methadone, in addition to experience side effects such as difficulty breathing, extreme drowsiness, slow breathing and heart problems. Therefore, and because methadone is a synthetic opioid derivative (produced chemically), was thought to use other drugs with these characteristics, but with a more natural origin, as is the case of buprenorphine (Subutex Brupex or, by country). This substance, comes in the form of sublingual tablets (placed under the tongue). Compared with methadone, it is much safer and, thanks to its partial agonist activity (it has some of the effects of opioids, but less so than heroin) provides for withdrawal of adding softer. However, due to its high price, fell into disuse.
So now the only centrally-approved product in the European Union and more effective replacement or maintenance opioid (in any case we are speaking of a drug free program) is the Suboxone. This drug (also sublingual) has two substances, buprenorphine, like opioid agonist and opioid antagonist naloxone, thus allowing the patient does not have the ODS and not suffer the depressant effects of opioids. A considerable improvement compared to methadone is that this agonist-antagonist mixture eliminates the risk of induction of cardiorespiratory arrest. "This would be designed to improve the quality of life of the subject, which maintains a drug that prevents you from not getting unwell and take a substitute," said Pascual.
Since its adoption by the European Medicines Agency in 2006, the administration refused to take charge of their cost. However, studies show that not too expensive compared to methadone and also provides a significant improvement in the quality of life for dependents.
also being tested with diacetyl morphine (heroin), a much more natural opioid buprenorphine, yet is still under study and its results are not very bright.

Vista of an opioid (methadone)

opioid cycle once introduced into the human body

If you need more information about this topic here are a few interesting items:

Also I leave the address of a blog that covers this topic:

Friday, October 15, 2010

Shoulder Pain Laparoscopy How Long


Under the First International Congress on the War of Independence in the Douro Valley, held on 5 to 8 October 2010 in Ciudad Rodrigo (Salmanca, Spain) and Almeida (Portugal ), and organized by La Junta de Castilla y León and the University of Burgos (directed by Cristina Borreguero Beltrán, Senior Lecturer in Modern History at the Faculty of Humanities and Education), filed its Sergio Pardo Iglesias on SYSTEMS GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION AS A TOOL IN THE MILITARY HISTORIOGRAPHICAL METHODOLOGY , as applied to study all the variables (terrain, geography, elements of the system, time, etc) to the development of a particular historical moment to help understand the decision-making and the results thereof, among many other possibilities.

A ponete attended this Congress in Spain, Portugal, England and France: names such as Emilio de Diego, Ravina Guimerá Augustine, Charles Esdaile, Mariano Esteban de Vega, Miguel Angel Martin Mas, Luis Oliveira Ramos, Jorge Ribeiro Martins, Jack Sigler, Donald Howard's, David Gates, Antonio Pedro Vicente, Francisco Ribeiro Da Silva, Enrique Martinez Ruiz, Maria de Castro Alexandre Sousa Pinto, Gabriela Gândara Terenas, Mary Bertha Gutiérrez Rodilla, Caillaux Tereza de Almeida, Oscar Raul Melgosa Otero, Angel Luis Calabuig, Francesc Pintado i Simó, among others.

For more information, prick the link:

Inverter Tie Grid Shematic

Hello bloggers!
To begin to step into the world of science and technology today I thought a news commentator who, although not of immediate, I'm sure many of you are interested enough, especially if you are or are studying in Seville the Andalusian capital.

multinational chaired by Florentino Pérez, ACS (Actividades de Construccion & Services) Launched few months to the Junta de Andalucía's proposal to connect through a levitation train, Parque Tecnológico de la Cartuja to the metro station on Avenida Blas Infante, creating the first railway of its kind in Spain.

The train would have an approximate length of six meters and its budget would range from 165 million euros.

This transport, also called "bullet train" consists of a magnetic system that lifts the device a few millimeters of soil, making it forward without friction with the surface. Among the advantages of this innovation Scientific highlights mostly silence, smoothness and speed.

The main reason for this proposal is not the communication of six miles, but Seville is expected to accept being the "guinea pigs" of the ACS, so that if the project works, the city would be to Europe's technological leadership and serve as a mirror to other cities (in addition to recognition and contracts that the company would Madrid).

Still, this is not an advantage for the Andalusian, who believes that the balance between the budget and demand is not balanced, since in such a short stretch would be impossible earning a return that would allow the maintenance of the line. Moreover, as opposed to this proposal is the lack of local transport (more necessary in the city).

SOURCE: Digital magazine Tendencias 21

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Guinea Pig

We are used to hear, see and read news on sports, fashion, politics, culture and economy. However, science is a universe usually not of great interest to society, if not the most used word in this area is "heart" and not just a purely scientific means (although in most cases we speak of "chemistry").

As we all know, the beginnings are not easy, the illusion is part of any project, it was not going to be less. Therefore, my main aim is to bring a little science to the pubic and remove the myth of boredom. However, this is an arduous task because they are the media themselves that give the fame of "roll" to the discipline; just need to be aware of the number of stories coming out every the days when newspapers specialized programming schedules spaces as The wind rose (Onda Cero) and television formats Networks and the "famous" documentary La 2 .

But, what's all this? Good question ... After attending last year in Elche the elective course Science Journalism fell into the conclusion that it was a little-exploited, especially when understanding the terms by non-experts, which gives a additional difficulty.

Among the contents are I'd like to include news, interviews, trivia and everything I can think!

Furthermore, if among you there are some / a passion for science, do not hesitate to participate, just contact with me.

And I think I've said everything that needs a presentation ... Welcome to The Probe , the tube of scientific information!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

How To Copy Music From Shareaza

Regional Conference on the Teaching of Natural Sciences

are invited to attend the First Regional Conference on the Teaching of Natural Sciences organized by the Inspection of Secondary Education Almirante Brown, La Universidad Nacional de San Martin through the School of Humanities (UNSAM) and the Association of Teachers of Physics by the Local Secretariat autarkic Gran Buenos Aires Sur.
They will be held: October 21
for teachers of Physics and Chemistry
Oct. 22 for teachers of Biology

Location: Casa Municipal de la Cultura de Almirante Brown, 8:00 to 17: 30 hs.

On October 21 there will be a plenary session with Mr. Fernando Monticelli, Argentine team scientist working on the ATLAS detector at CERN, Switzerland and the afternoon's play, Galileo on the table by Mr. Horacio Tignanelli . On 22

biologists, geologists and archaeologists work with teachers of Biology.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Roof Of Mouth Cut And Bleeding

How many times a woman has felt that her male partner does not know their feelings? The explanation would given by a difference in how certain regions of the brain used when addressing the problems of life. Men pass before the resolution, skipping the stage of analyzing the other's feelings. These and other behaviors separate male and female brain and hormonal differences. Louann Brizendine neurobiologist discovered yesterday Networks stages in the life of the male brain and its relationship with the opposite sex, a road fraught with hormonal swings that mark the personal life of every man and his environment.


Friday, October 8, 2010

Japaness Groping Movies


Russian physicists Andre Geim and Novoselov Konstantin won the Nobel Prize of Physics 2010 for his groundbreaking experiments with graphene , a powerful form of carbon material that promises transform the way in which today are manufactured electronic and computer products.

The graphene is an outdoor structure, in fact, a few decades ago, it is clear from the graphite (eg, mining of a pen). However, there were difficulties in isolating individual layers in order to study it. That is what they managed to successfully Andre Geim and Novoselov Konstantin .

Why is it so important graphene ?

The graphene has the form of a thin slab of ordinary carbon, the thickness of just one atom, which has excellent properties: high strength, transparency, and extreme flexibility.

As conductor of electricity, graphene perform as well as copper to transmit power . It is extremely thin and extremely strong. And best of all, it's made of carbon the basis of all life on Earth, an element that can be easily found in any country in the world.

What makes it so important to the investigation of graphene is the possibility of replacing silicon currently used in the manufacture of all computer chips, and on which rests all information-related industries, and much of the technology .

Although experiments Geim and Novoselov also have theoretical implications, including the ability to study a new class of two-dimensional material with unique properties, its evidence and findings open the way for a wide range of practical applications.

Graphene is a hexagonal lattice like a honeycomb, made of carbon atoms

is believed that graphene transistors , for example, would be much faster than current silicon transistors, resulting in more efficient computers. And less expensive, since the carbon is a readily available material. Contamination would also be less than that of silicon-based products.

But also, as the graphene is transparent and a good conductor, is ideal for producing flexible touch screens, light panels folding or even solar panels .

When combined with plastics, the graphene can turn them into conductors of electricity while making them more resistant to heat and more mechanically robust. This capability can be used in new super-strong materials, but at the same time are slim, elastic and lightweight. In the future, satellites, airplanes, and cars may be made of such materials include the graphene .

1) Basic unit hexagonal graphene: contains 2 carbon atoms. 2) Hypothetical graphene network can withstand a weight

Konstantin Novoselov , barely 36, first worked with Andre Geim , 51, as a PhD student in the Netherlands, although both were born and began his career in Russia Physics.

continued to work together United Kingdom, where they are now professors at the University of Manchester . The 2010 Nobel Prize , consisting of about 1 million euros, is due to his incessant experiments and contributions to the development of research on this new material, rather than an investigation or experiment in particular.

Geim and Novoselov successfully managed to produce, isolate, identify, and characterize the graphene , a task performed better than any other scientist, according to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, responsible for ruling winners Nobel Prize in Physics every year.

Sources and Images: Nobelprize / El Pais /

Respiration Lab Bromothymol Blue

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2010 was appointed scientists Richard F. Heck (USA), Ei-ichi Negishi (Japan), Akira Suzuki (Japan), the development of catalysis by cross-linking of palladium in organic synthesis, an important tool for the current organic chemistry.

The applications of this tool reaches many areas of action for chemical like medicine, electronics, and technology. Develop the ability of scientists to create sophisticated chemicals, for example, the development of carbon-based molecules as complex as the same as those found in nature.

The organic chemistry applied exploring ways to create carbon-based compounds , such as plastics and pharmaceuticals. To achieve this, the chemicals have to be able to join the carbon atoms to form functional molecules. However, the carbon is a stable element, which does not react easily with others.

Therefore, the first methods to force the carbon to join it were based on more reactive through substances. That kind of worked solutions when it came to creating simple molecules, but to synthesize more complex the method failed.

The cross-linking catalyzed by the palladium solved this problem and provided the chemicals of a new tool to work more efficiently. In reactions produced by Heck, Negishi and Suzuki , carbon atoms meet palladium atoms (rich in electrons and, therefore, a "magnet" for carbon) leading to a rapid chemical reaction (ie, a catalyst ).

Currently, catalysis by the palladium of cross-linking of organic synthesis is used in research worldwide, the development of important drugs to combat cancer or powerful virus, or even in commercial production, for example, pharmaceutical and molecules used in the electronics industry .

None of the three scientists worked together, but his experimental work separately managed the development of this important chemical tool and the possibility of using the today. Heck

, born in 1931 in Springfield (USA), received his doctorate in 1954 by the University Los Angeles, California, and professor emeritus at the University of Delaware, in New York.

Negishi Japanese born in 1935 in Changchun (now China) and his Ph.D. in 1963 from the University of Pennsylvania to exercise later in the Purdue University (West Lafayette, USA).

Suzuki, born in Japan in 1930, received his doctorate in 1959 by the University of Hokkaido , which is currently a professor.

Three shared the 2010 Nobel Prize awarded by The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, a prize of about 1 million euros will be awarded in a pompous ceremony led by the King of Sweden on December 10, the day recalls the death of Alfred Nobel .