Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Boxers And Condom Herpes

Try to develop a cancer prognosis test

Though they may seem predictable, the paths of scientific research are often surprises. It was what happened to Dr. Mario Galigniana, CONICET researcher in the Department of Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, UBA, and winner of a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2010, while trying to elucidate the function of a protein discovered recently.

"When I was working in the United States characterized the protein, but had no idea what was in the cell," says the scientist, who was repatriated in 2004 by the Estate Program of the Ministry of Science. "Later, back in Argentina we had a result that surprised us: We found that a protein very similar to that I worked in the United States is located within the mitochondria, a cell organelle. We thought it was a mistake because the technique used, but I found that actually was there. "

The unexpected location of the protein molecule, called FKBP51, led the researcher to immediately reformulate their hypotheses: "We think if it is a mitochondrial protein could be related to programmed cell death processes that are mediated by this organelle."

To test this, decided to study what was happening the cell when this protein is produced in excess: "We proved that over-expression of FKBP51 protects cells from death," he reveals.

As is well known that cell survival is characteristic of tumor cells to Galigniana the next step was obvious: "We looked at twelve different tumor cell types and found that FKBP51 expression is increased in all of them," he confirms. "We also found that if we inhibited the expression of the protein the cell becomes more sensitive to death," he adds.

The results of these studies, which were unveiled at the International Congress of Steroid Hormones and Cancer held in September in Scotland, led the researchers to study the expression of FKBP51 in human tumors.
"In human biopsy samples of various types of tumors we observed the same qualitative and quantitative pattern we saw in tumor cells, suggesting that this protein might be involved in these malignancies," believes Galigniana.

According to the researcher, the specificity of the FKBP51 can think of it as a possible prognostic indicator of cancer. "We are trying to determine if the level of expression of this protein can be used as a marker of prognosis, metastasis, survival and remission, "he says.

For his part, Dr. Elisa Bal, CONICET researcher at the Institute of Oncology Angel Roffo, where human tumors analyzed, said: "We're still getting to know this new molecule that has potential utility. But more studies are basic and subtraction to analyze a larger number of tumors. "

Meanwhile, in the laboratory of Galigniana made progress in the development of a prognostic test to measure the amount of FKBP51 in the blood. "We generated an anti-FKBP51 monoclonal antibody to measure protein by enzyme immunoassay, a method of quantifying very sensitive, and preliminary results were satisfactory territories. But we still need to test human sera and analyze, among other things, reproducibility, specificity, and whether there are interfering substances, "he announces. "If all goes well, only then we can prove it with patients."

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opened a new call-Zurich Clarín Award for Educational Develop healthy snacks

Zurich Clarín and Argentina, launched the third edition of the Clarin-Zurich to Education. On this occasion distinguished educational projects that aim to improve secondary school, the teaching of natural sciences.
be awarded 170,000 dollars in prizes: There will be a first prize of 120,000 pesos, which be used to finance the project, and two honorable mentions of 25,000 pesos each.
This competition, and since its first edition, is intended for all those pedagogical approaches that contribute to the creation of meaningful learning, contribute to improving the training and retraining of students and teachers, and develop best practices in the area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. This distinction
annual, nationwide, Clarín and Zurich seek to contribute to meeting the challenges of the XXI century education agenda: improving the quality of learning and achieving equal educational opportunities for students of all levels of the system , from beginners to university.

The full article, here.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Fermaldehyde In Travel Trailers

A generously sized fruit such as watermelon and low cost of production, keeps in its interior colorado properties than appetizing. Is that the red pigment contains substances that can prevent illness. How can attract given its healthy consumption components?, Argentine investigators were raised and put under the microscope this fruit in order to generate innovative products. Then he began to retrace a line of work: Developing dehydrated watermelon crunchy snacks, that are a healthy treat, "said Dr. Maria del Pilar Buera, from the Laboratory of Physical and Chemical Properties of Biomolecules and Conservation Faculty of Natural Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires (FCEyN-UBA), who directed, along with Dr. Claudio Petriella, the thesis work of Alicia Gallo of the University of Luján, on this issue.

Watermelon, well known by all, was little studied, says Buera, and found that "has a high concentration of lycopene, a carotenoid that is the red pigment characteristic of the watermelon. Lycopene, which became famous in tomatoes, could have an impact in preventing prostate cancer, according to various studies. Is that carotenoids - Buera-points have antioxidant that slows the action of free radicals that can lead to negative consequences. "

The full article, here.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sorority's Community Service

Total Eclipse at dawn

Next Tuesday is one day strongly astronomical. On the one hand, at 20.39 hours in Argentina, the sun reaches its maximum southern declination, kicking off the summer in our hemisphere. From the observational point of view that will translate, among other things, that our star will reach as high as possible in our skies at noon, nearly 80 degrees above the horizon for Buenos Aires and surrounding areas. Almost over our heads, and giving rise to very short shadows. On the other hand, and this is what most concerns us here, there will be a total lunar eclipse. And it will be a few hours before, in full morning of Tuesday, our satellite will sink completely into the huge cone of shadow of the Earth. A play of shadows, lights and colors that we enjoy from all over Argentina (and much of the world). No end to end, because we see the beginning of the eclipse, and much of central stage, but not the end, which runs now with the Moon below our horizon. However, miss the second half of the show will, interestingly, a rare prize: to observe the spectacular setting of the Moon red.

The full article, here.

Type Of Weave Lala Wears

An alarm created by students traveling to the U.S. Chaco

TSE Six boys No. 2 Barry created an alarm system with a cheap and reliable cell disused notifies owners when someone entered the house or car. Presented the work at the National Science Fair and were selected from 280 booths to travel to America next year.

"We give a new alternative is much cheaper and more reliable security system class people can buy low, medium or high," he says certainly one of the students in the 4th on the 1st of the EET N º 2 General San Martin, Barry. They are six and it matters little which of them speak because they are all authors of this project that appeared in various parts of the country and which part of the 34th National Exhibition of Science and Technology held in November in Tucumán. There, his proposal was presented along with 280 other productions and was awarded a prize for which will travel to an international fair to be held in the United States next year.

The full article, here.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Rosenbauer Jacket North Face

Bacteria Found in fossil stromatolites Neuquén Blogs

are the oldest life forms on earth. They are called stromatolites and recorded on our planet for about 3,500 million years. It is laminated structures in which organic matter is bound to minerals, usually calcium carbonate, are attached to the substrate, and are products of the metabolic activity of microorganisms, primarily cyanobacteria. They were responsible for providing oxygen to the atmosphere through the process of photosynthesis, and thus enabled the development of other life forms.

currently living stromatolites are limited to a few places on earth, and it is easier to find them in fossil form. However, in most of the fossil record is difficult to find traces of organisms that gave rise to them. But recently in the western province of Neuquen, stromatolites were found with fossilized algal filaments could be seen under the electron microscope. Trapped in these stromatolites are also nanobacteria. Moreover, we could accurately determine its age: 65 million years.

The full article, here.

Monday, December 13, 2010

37 Weeks Pregnant, Sore Throat

Are 12 days sufficient to address climate change? Science

probably need more. Still, this is what has gone on the 2010 climate summit in Cancun. For most, the governments of participating countries reached the "Agreements of Cancun." With this package (accused by many media outlets as "modest" and rejected by the Government of Bolivia ), will attempt to design a "Green Fund" which involves measures for the protection of forests and increasing use of clean energy. Nor is forgotten, protection and assistance to developing countries that do not have sufficient means to combat climate change, and are those most suffering (thanks to the commitment of raising 100 billion dollars annually over the next 10 years.)
These agreements also set the commitment of limiting temperature increase to less than two degrees Celsius .
Still, these documents do not clearly reflect the process of collection, nor the progress of the extension of the principles of the Kyoto Protocol .

However, despite the "fog" of the objectives achieved the summit, the Secretary-General United Nations, Ban Ki-moon , congratulated the government of Mexico for its work and good conduct of the negotiations. In fact, both agree that "these agreements will lead to more effective action against global warming."

Whatever scenario achievement in Cancun, we must also stress that the implementation of the agreements, will be held next year in climate summit to be held in Sudáfric a. They await the development of the "Green Fund" and more restrictive policies for the U.S. and China, among others. But one of the most important aspects of the Summit 2010 (which has not surfaced and are discussed at the next summit), has been the rejection of proposals for small island states who fear their demise by rising sea levels (global warming = melting ice sheets and glaciers, rising sea levels =).

With all this, Cancun has achieved progress on the previous summit in 2009, but still a long way to go if we want this to end and providing a better life to our children.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Non-traditional Wedding Invitation Wording


cientifibloguers Hello! Today my post

varies somewhat in relation to which you are accustomed, which is why, here are some videos that explain the science from the particular vision of a peculiar character from TV, LA BLASA!

I hope you have a fun time!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Most Reliable Computer Brands 2010

Climate Summit 2010

these days is taking place in Cancun, Mexico, the "16 th Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention UN Climate Change (COP16) and the "6 th Conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, but is best known as the Climate Summit 2010. More specifically, the summit started on 29 November and ends on 10 December.

Here, as in all the 192 member countries discuss climate change with an objective clear: to leave behind the failure of the old last year's summit in Copenhagen (Denmark).
is to create a plan for sustainable development has to be concluded after 2012, the guidelines of the Kyoto Protocol . Among the new targets proposed in the summit, including: reducing carbon emissions (especially in rich countries), provide financial support to developing countries (which are the ones who really suffer the consequences of climate change), combat deforestation and soil degradation ...

On December 10 we will see if you really get a new plan that reflects the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions emissions and no economic gain "certain nations." For now, if you want to be informed about everything that is done, I recommend that you enter on these two pages: one is the official Summit and the other is a blog where every day is information interesting about this event.

And even though it appears on the official website, I'd like to show a video in which well displays the effects of global climate change.

Wake up and move! from Leo Murray on Vimeo .

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Evolution Chart First 150 Pokemon

Study finds amniotic fluid cells function like embryonic stem cells vs Chaos

The vast majority of fatal diseases (including cancer) could be solved through treatment with stem cells , which have the capacity to self-renew or differentiate to produce various types of mature tissues and functional. However, there is a major obstacle because of the ethics of extracting them from human embryos, especially by religious organizations (including the fact that such treatments are experimental period .)

All in all, a group of scientists Max Planck Institute of Molecular Genetics of Germany has managed to reduce this barrier, with the discovery of the conversion of cells from amniotic fluid (fluid surrounding the fetus in the womb) in pluripotent stem cells (can not form a body full, but any other cell type and cell lines).

The biggest advantage involving embryonic stem cells is that they have the ability to quickly become any other cell type (such as liver cell, the hair ...), through a process called reprogramming (induction of genes, what to become pluripotent). However, with this research, we discovered that cells extracted from amniotic fluid have the same characteristics that make them into cells with other functions. Furthermore, its extraction is relatively simple, since in the prenatal checkups collect more than necessary. On the other hand, when fresh cells not only have mutations in their genes.

conversion process amniotic cells into other cells. Source: Max Planck Institute.

This group of scientists is deep in research on stem cells, which make large and beneficial results like this. So much so, that their findings have been published in the journal PlosOne .

SOURCE: Trends 21

If you want to know more about stem cell research and pinchéis I recommend this link:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How Much Is Charizard Pokemon Card Worth

another teaching tool expands

past two years, Ms. Leila Torres discusses the phenomenon of blogging as an educational resource in middle school. The teacher is part of a project that works under the perspective of "extended school" that aims to achieve digital literacy.

of polytechnic students involved in the proposal created their digital diary to publish their online practices, and so enhance their learning through the administration of new digital tools. These tools allow them to explore fully the new opportunities provided by the network and develop innovative materials from the new languages \u200b\u200bof communication.

The project, called "Education in Times of You Tube, put forward a proposal which is to manage knowledge through the creation and use of websites and blogs. Both teachers and students work daily in the production of materials and its publication. "It is noteworthy that the school's students have Huergo the possibility of free access to internet at school. Before starting this project, they had no knowledge about how arming, designed and produced a blog. The notebooks of the new era will also enable them to create their digital identity, which involves the development of its digital profile, learning new ways to interact and connect with their peers and the world "explained Professor InfoUniversidades Torres.

The full article, here.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Kates Playground Masterbates Kates Playground?

Bacteria margins Sundial

A team of scientists said yesterday that he had trained a bacteria to eat and grow from a diet of arsenic instead of phosphorus, one of the six elements considered essential for life, "which raises the possibility that there are bodies elsewhere in the universe or even here on Earth, using powers that we had not dared to dream. Microorganisms, obtained from the bottom of Mono Lake, California, and grown for months in a laboratory culture medium containing arsenic, phosphorus atoms gradually traded in their tiny bodies by arsenic atoms.

The scientists said these findings, if confirmed, will expand the notion of what life might be like. "There is a basic mystery when you look at life," said Dimitar Sasselov, an astronomer at the Center Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and director of an institute that studies the origins of life, which is not connected with work. Nature uses only a very restricted set of molecules and chemical reactions among the thousands that are available. This is the first sign that there might be other options. "

The full article, here.