Monday, January 24, 2011

Monica Roccaforte, Wikipedia

In recent years, scientists around the world have been warning of the possible bee extinction if we continue pouring the environment, toxic to them (and us) such as pesticides .
The apid (Apidae) are a family of Hymenoptera Apocrita , constitute a large group of bees that includes the or domestic honeybee (the best known), to stingless bees, the orchid bees , the parasitic bees , the bumblebees and carpenter bees and other lesser known groups.
All parasitic species in particular are excellent eusocial pollinators because they visit many flowers when nectar collect pollen and therefore help to maintain biodiversity, not only among plants but also between animals that depend on them.

From different points of the globe are launching civil actions that do review of legislation countries in order to arrive in time for another mass extinction caused by human action.
more information click the link below :

Sunday, January 16, 2011

What Is Kate From Kates Playground Name?

"went to the moon? Happy Year 2011

A good chapter SKEPTICS program titled "We went to the moon?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Roller Blades Duck Feet

Well, a few days of delay there is the greeting of the Unit for Scientific Culture IFAPA for a year that will bring personal and professional changes will be celebrating the International Year and Chemistry International Year of Forests .

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Halloween Screensavers From Yahoo

"Being born in winter?

A birth is always an exciting and festive event. But what if you are born in winter?
However, a study published in the journal Nature Neuroscience states that mammals born in this season, unaltered in their biological clocks , which affect as adults. This would be due to exposure to light during the first months of life and may explain why a greater risk for depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. And that's not all, could also affect personality.

What happens with the clock is that it varies depending on exposure to light. In experiments on mice, those born in summer had a peak of activity in neurons that continued for ten hours. However, the peak of winter neuronal lingered until one hour after sunrise and could last twelve hours in the changing seasons, so it could have an exaggerated response to the change of season (like emotional affective disorder some people with seasonal changes.)

Although not fear those born in winter, this is an experiment that speaks of probabilities and does not necessarily occur in all mammals winter.

human biological clock / refugioantiaé