A week ago, which ended a wonderful and interesting conference. I can not resist
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The conference comes to an end and was expected to talk about conclusions, but Miguel Ángel Quintanilla, director of the Institute ECYT the University of Salamanca, has preferred to raise more "reflections" to be on the web for Internet users can be completed in the coming weeks. Quintanilla
raised that to someone like him, who is neither a journalist nor a scientist, in a conference like this. The solution came to him yesterday when Hanns-Joachim Neubert, president of the European Union of Science Journalists Associations (EUSJA), were also needed commented that "philosophers." He is.
The former Secretary of State for Universities and Research has reviewed the topics discussed during Media for Science, and stressed the need to "renew the great partnership between government, media and scientists." Has given 10 recommendations or facts that should be encouraged:
1. Public support of governments
2. Open Publishing
3. Communication technology (interactivity)
4. Science in mass media and new media
5. Local production of global science
6. Science journalism (honest and professional)
7. Training programs for journalists and scientists
8. Research in science communication
9. Effort in communicating the scientific community
10. Scientific institutions with trained personnel
This afternoon also intervened Predazzi Enrico, who recalled the three levels of communication of scientists to society: a scientist to scientist, scientific professional journalist, and scientists to the general public. At all three levels must continue improving the relationship and communication, according to the expert. As President of ESOF 2010, Predazzi has invited all participants to attend the European Forum of Science Open to be held in the Italian city of Turin between 2 and 7 July. Full details here .
For his part, José Manuel Silva Rodríguez, Director General of Research of the European Commission, stressed that science is not just for specialists, "but must be understood by all ", so we must strive to make society better understand scientific issues and be more involved. Perhaps we should change the way we communicate the achievements, but the fact is that "we must do more and be ambitious programs."
The Director pointed out that it is necessary to raise the status of science journalism. "That science and technology come to fruition, but they reach the people", society in general, not to mention the business. The initiatives of the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union, the European Space Research and the European Strategy 2020 also are aimed in that direction, European company to get a more educated, more democratic and more sustainable.
Although it was planned closing ceremony by the Secretary of State for Research, Philippe Petriz, has replaced Juan Tomás Hernani, Secretary General of Innovation, Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN), a ministry "absolutely committed to science and communication. " Hernani has highlighted the role of FECYT, organizer of the congress in this regard.
also been compared to the same innovation that speaks of "bringing the client to the white coats from the beginning," just as we must "change league and encourage communication between journalism, scientific developments and the public from the first minute. " "Communicating science and innovation is a task that must be shared among everyone," concluded the Secretary General.
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