The geosmin, which means in Greek " aroma land "is a chemical produced by the bacterium Streptomyces coelicolor , some cyanobacteria that are on the ground, and that is perceived when the land is wet, for example, when it rains. Some filamentous fungi Penicillium expansum ocmo also produce geosomina.
The Streptomyces microorganism is a major in the field of medicine modern and current, given the possibility to obtain from he antibiotics such as tetracycline, erythromycin, rifampicin or kanamycin antifungal such as nystatin and antitumor agents, anthelmintics and immune suppressants , among others.
genome research has identified the gene producing the characteristic aroma, which when manipulated experimentally removed from the bactaria, was lost.
This molecule is very important for vertebrate animals that live in the desert mainly for camelids , who perceiving the smell can be assured that they will find in a short time the liquid element.
The geosmin is also responsible for some undesirable aromas in wine. When the grapes have been attacked by one of the geosmin-producing filamentous fungi, the wine may also have earthy aromas characteristic of this molecule.
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