We are used to hear, see and read news on sports, fashion, politics, culture and economy. However, science is a universe usually not of great interest to society, if not the most used word in this area is "heart" and not just a purely scientific means (although in most cases we speak of "chemistry").
As we all know, the beginnings are not easy, the illusion is part of any project, it was not going to be less. Therefore, my main aim is to bring a little science to the pubic and remove the myth of boredom. However, this is an arduous task because they are the media themselves that give the fame of "roll" to the discipline; just need to be aware of the number of stories coming out every the days when newspapers specialized programming schedules spaces as The wind rose (Onda Cero) and television formats Networks and the "famous" documentary La 2 .
But, what's all this? Good question ... After attending last year in Elche the elective course Science Journalism fell into the conclusion that it was a little-exploited, especially when understanding the terms by non-experts, which gives a additional difficulty.
Among the contents are I'd like to include news, interviews, trivia and everything I can think!
Furthermore, if among you there are some / a passion for science, do not hesitate to participate, just contact with me.
And I think I've said everything that needs a presentation ... Welcome to The Probe , the tube of scientific information!

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