Tuesday, December 7, 2010

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another teaching tool expands

past two years, Ms. Leila Torres discusses the phenomenon of blogging as an educational resource in middle school. The teacher is part of a project that works under the perspective of "extended school" that aims to achieve digital literacy.

of polytechnic students involved in the proposal created their digital diary to publish their online practices, and so enhance their learning through the administration of new digital tools. These tools allow them to explore fully the new opportunities provided by the network and develop innovative materials from the new languages \u200b\u200bof communication.

The project, called "Education in Times of You Tube, put forward a proposal which is to manage knowledge through the creation and use of websites and blogs. Both teachers and students work daily in the production of materials and its publication. "It is noteworthy that the school's students have Huergo the possibility of free access to internet at school. Before starting this project, they had no knowledge about how arming, designed and produced a blog. The notebooks of the new era will also enable them to create their digital identity, which involves the development of its digital profile, learning new ways to interact and connect with their peers and the world "explained Professor InfoUniversidades Torres.

The full article, here.


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