Monday, November 29, 2010

Creatine For Womencreafem

. Cosmos

science here and there, but ... Do you know what is its origin? When the universe began to see how a cluster of unexplained events?

all goes back to the 6th century BC in Greece. There, a group of scientists, among whom were Thales Empedocles and concluded that the universe was knowable and had an order and some regularities, that is, that nature worked around a set of rules, and not because of the "gods." This was the first major conflict between science and mysticism, and change from chaos to cosmos, or whatever it is, began to see the world as a set of events predictable, orderly and harmonious (cosmos), leaving the view of the unpredictable and unknown (chaos).

For you to understand better what I have said, here I leave a documentary Carl Sagan (1934-1996 New York), physicist and doctor in astronomy and astrophysics. This chapter corresponds to the television series Cosmos , issued in 1979.


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