Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Kirkland Brand Cedar Filled Dog Bed

Matias Zaldarriaga

With less than 40 years, the physicist who graduated from Matias Zaldarriaga Exact-UBA has an outstanding scientific career. Ph.D. in physics at MIT 15 years ago living in the United States. He currently works in Princeton, where he sought to unravel the details of the Big Bang. Many point out as a future candidate for the Nobel. Visiting the College, as guest lecturer at the Physics Department, spoke to the Cable.

By Gabriel Stekolschik

- Your job is rather solitary?

- No, in general work with others. But I like when you can work in smaller groups. If you have to handle very large groups you end up making bureaucracy. Escribiendogrants (N.de R.: Order of subsidies), correcting how they wrote the papers. In short, doing things that are not as cute. I did not get to do escribirgrants physical, so I try to avoid that. So if I can stay in a tiny group, for which I need not raise money, I'm happier. Now I'm part of an experiment to try to fly a balloon from Antarctica to measure cosmic background radiation. It is a large group of people there and I do a minimal role. I tried to do some things, but I threw well, because it is much talk on the phone and turns into a job.

- not like work ...

- (Laughs) I like to think. It is much easier than you can think of an idea to invent something. But then when they do, it takes many years. And it's boring because you know that is something that will probably work, but in the middle is a lot of problems, collect the money, make grants, managing students and posdocs ... a job is done. I like doing things theoretical.

- Yours is basically "paper and pencil?

- Yes I sometimes work using data from a telescope. But often even use data. For example, I am interested in inventing what kind of measurement, what kind of telescope should be done. Then I do not. Or, if I interpret results from observations of someone who grabbed the data, reduced, removed something and I make a model to explain it. And sometimes I accounts that are not directly related to the outcome of an experiment, but with a future experiment that might do or not.

- What excites you most?

- Almost always there is a specific question about me is excited at a time and generally has to do with threads coming out of this group of four or five posdocs who work with me. In recent years, were things about Inflation Theory, the principle of the Big Bang, and the different observations can be made. Ways to make bills that had not been made and that sort of thing.

- and out of physics what you love?

- My family especially, because apart from work is more time as I am. With my daughters and my wife.

- Any hobby?

- I have. I like to run. I will run almost every day. Would run the entire marathon in Philadelphia, but eventually I will run only half. I have two daughters, little girls and I have to work so it's a matter of finding the time. When I have time, go out and run. Sometimes it's an hour, sometimes two.

- What do you think while running in Theory?

- (Smiles) Sure, yes. That is the best. Nobody bothers me. Because when I'm in the office, although I try not to have to work, come and ask me. And in my home I have a girl of 2 and 4, so it is impossible to do anything. I will end destroyed. I used to work at night, now reaching eight in the evening and do not want to do anything else. I can answer emails, things that do not require thinking, more bureaucratic. So when I run I can think of many things. There I have an hour a day, at least where I can do what I want.

- Did you meet their own limits to achieve a result?

- Things I can not solve? A lot.

- Do you consider the possibility of a Nobel?

- The odds of winning the Nobel I are very low. They may be higher than others, but they are super low. In other words, not think about it. Besides, the Nobel always give it to the old. There are exceptions, but often give it to people who are closer to ... no? (Laughs). Besides, most of the time they give for making any remark, and I did not comment.

- Making observations is part of the work that you do not like ...

- (Laughs) Yes, it's part of the work that I do not like. It's like teaching, I like to teach, but then when I have to prepare for class, there is always another thing I'm making beats. The same thing happens to work, to do experiments. At first I was amused, but they become very large and is, as I said, a lot of talk on the phone, to handle things in management.

- Are you consistent in your theoretical developments or like to nibble on different issues?

- more or less constant. I did four or five different themes but in which I was working many years. No I like to do very cortitos papers of different things all the time. But there comes a time when there are already many people working on the same thing and is more difficult than you can think of something to do. So there I start thinking about something else. Because when it gets crowded very difficult to compete, there are some who are very good. And sometimes I let things that are not filled because I was bored before. If I look back, I can see what he was doing four years ago and I was bored.


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