Saturday, December 25, 2010

Fermaldehyde In Travel Trailers

A generously sized fruit such as watermelon and low cost of production, keeps in its interior colorado properties than appetizing. Is that the red pigment contains substances that can prevent illness. How can attract given its healthy consumption components?, Argentine investigators were raised and put under the microscope this fruit in order to generate innovative products. Then he began to retrace a line of work: Developing dehydrated watermelon crunchy snacks, that are a healthy treat, "said Dr. Maria del Pilar Buera, from the Laboratory of Physical and Chemical Properties of Biomolecules and Conservation Faculty of Natural Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires (FCEyN-UBA), who directed, along with Dr. Claudio Petriella, the thesis work of Alicia Gallo of the University of Luján, on this issue.

Watermelon, well known by all, was little studied, says Buera, and found that "has a high concentration of lycopene, a carotenoid that is the red pigment characteristic of the watermelon. Lycopene, which became famous in tomatoes, could have an impact in preventing prostate cancer, according to various studies. Is that carotenoids - Buera-points have antioxidant that slows the action of free radicals that can lead to negative consequences. "

The full article, here.


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