Sunday, December 19, 2010

Type Of Weave Lala Wears

An alarm created by students traveling to the U.S. Chaco

TSE Six boys No. 2 Barry created an alarm system with a cheap and reliable cell disused notifies owners when someone entered the house or car. Presented the work at the National Science Fair and were selected from 280 booths to travel to America next year.

"We give a new alternative is much cheaper and more reliable security system class people can buy low, medium or high," he says certainly one of the students in the 4th on the 1st of the EET N º 2 General San Martin, Barry. They are six and it matters little which of them speak because they are all authors of this project that appeared in various parts of the country and which part of the 34th National Exhibition of Science and Technology held in November in Tucumán. There, his proposal was presented along with 280 other productions and was awarded a prize for which will travel to an international fair to be held in the United States next year.

The full article, here.


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