Saturday, November 6, 2010

Shrimp Diablo Penna Pasta


Science comes to all fields and possible investigation. So much so, that a Scientists at the School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University (USA) has managed to find a way to eliminate the bad memories of the brain, reflecting localized proteins in the nervous system.

Although there has not been seen in humans, this study shows positive results in mice. According to neuroscientist Richard L. Hugair, animals were given an electric shock accompanied by a noise. Then after a few minutes, when the mice heard the noise again, stood still, trembling with fear. This reaction leads to increasing the activity of certain nerve cells associated with a protein AMPARs calls.

Hence, the researchers drew the conclusion that eliminating these proteins (which caused the fear of memory), would eliminate the bad experience.

However, these studies are aimed at improving the lives of people suffering post-traumatic stress or other illness that prevents them from leading a normal life after suffering a nasty episode (wars, terrorist attacks, kidnappings ...) .


is not the first time that human beings try to create clear memory mechanisms. A year ago, surprised us the zip, which is an inhibitor of an enzyme brain associated with memory (PKM zeta). In experiments on mice, we observed that a dose of ZIP was able to delete specific memories have enabled the animal at the time (without distinction). However, it was concluded that this molecule attacked the declarative memory (spatial memory, accessible information. Remember facts, events, associations and conscious situations) and not the implicit (emotional memory, learning situations that occur fear. Procedural memory, memory skills).
Another important study is to Merel Kindt and colleagues at the Department of Clinical Bio Psychology at the University of Manchester on propranolol, a drug used to treat hypertension, can block the memories. But it's better than pincheĆ­s HERE and you see the news that World posted about this.


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