The inaugural conference will be tomorrow at 12:00 pm and will be taught by Manuel Lozano Leyva , Professor of Physics Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear University of Seville, under the name Ten discoveries worldview change . This conference is expected to come students of the Faculty of Communication of the U.S..
For the rest of talks, are related to the subject matter taught in high school for Contemporary World Studies and the work of the three institutes cicCartuja: the Institute of Plant Biochemistry and Photosynthesis (IBVF), the Institute Material Science (ICMS) and I nstitute of Chemical Research (IIQ).
Calendar of activities:
15 November.
12:00 h . - Inaugural Lecture: Ten Discoveries that changed the world view , by Manuel Lozano Leyva.
Visit of students from the School of Communication at Sevilla.
16 November. 10:00 h
. - Presentation and screening of the video cicCartuja institutional Polytechnic students of IES and IES Miguel Servet.
10: 30 h . - Talk of the ICMS: Applications thin film technology, by the Dr. Juan Pedro Espinós Manzorro . 11:00 h
. - Chat IIQ: Challenge to transport drugs to cells, tissues and organs: the therapeutic potential of selective transport of drugs , led by Dr. Juan Manuel Benito Hernández. 11:30 h
. - Rest. 12:00 h
. - Visit of the students agreed to the facilities of ICMS and the IIQ.
17 November. 10:00 h
. - Presentation of cicCartuja and institutional video projection to the students of IES IES Gerena and Valle Inclán. 10:30 h
. - Chat IBVF: The power of Cysteine, by the Gotor Cecilia Martinez . 11:00 h
. - Talk of the ICMS: Science and Technology for art, led by Dr. Adrián Durán Benito . 11:30 h
. - Rest. 12:00 h
. - Visit concerted students IBVF facilities and ICMS.
18 November. 10:00 h
. - Presentation of cicCartuja and institutional video projection to the students of IES Diego Angulo. 10:30 h
. - Charladel IIQ: Organometallic Chemistry: what it is, what it is used and their contribution to society , led by Dr. Salvador Conejero .
.- 11:00 am Lecture: The bacteria are not so simple! From single cells to complex organisms , by Dr. Victoria Merino Port. 11:30 h
. - Rest. 12:00 h
. - Visit of the students agreed facilities and IBVF IIQ.
SOURCE: cicCartuja .
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